Big Meu Lindo.

segunda-feira, 11 de agosto de 2014


Em Unakoti, Índia...

Unakoti hill, literalmente, um menos um crore (em Bengali língua regional da Índia), hospeda um lugar Haavisto antigo de culto com enorme pedra-corte de imagens e ídolos de pedra do Deus Shiva.

É a peregrinação de Sharif e datas para séculos VII-IX, se não antes. O maravilhoso gravuras rupestres, pinturas murais com sua beleza primitiva, as cachoeiras são imperdíveis.

Mito: Uma vez senhor Shiva estava a correr a Varanasi 1 crore Deuses e deusas incluindo ele. No caminho que eles pensaram em tomar descanso e abrigo nesta colina para a noite, antes de ir para a cama senhor Shiva estritamente avisou-os para chegar ao amanhecer antes do sol nascer e deixar para Varanasi. Na manhã seguinte só Deus Shiva levantou-se e ninguém acordou sendo de humor irritado que ele amaldiçoou-os para se tornar imagens ou esculturas de pedra e ficar lá para sempre e sempre.
Desde então estamos tendo imagens numeração inferior a um crore esculpido na colina de unakoti, segundo o regional, foi um escultor & potter chamado Kallu Kumhar. Os tribais locais acreditam que era Kallu Kumhar quem tinha esculpido todas essas imagens. Ele era devoto de Parvati e queria acompanhar a Shiva e Parvati, a sua morada em Kailash Parvat. Na persuasão do Parvati Shiva concordou em levar Kalu Kailash se ele iria esculpir um koti imagens de Shiva, em uma noite. Kalu trabalhou como um homem possuído. Mas como a Aurora quebrou o número de imagens era ainda um menor que um koti. Shiva que estava ansioso para se livrar deste incômodo chamado Kalu, usado essa desculpa para deixar para trás o Kallu Kumhar e suas imagens no Unakoti.
At Unakoti, India...

Unakoti hill, literally meaning,one less a crore (in Bengali regional language of India), hosts an ancient Shaivite place of worship with huge rock-cut images and stone idols of Lord Shiva.

It is Shaiba pilgrimage and dates back to 7th – 9th centuries if not earlier. The marvelous rock carvings, murals with their primitive beauty, waterfalls are not to be missed.

Once lord Shiva was going to Varanasi along 1 crore Gods and Goddesses including him. On the way they thought of taking rest and shelter on this hill for night, before going to bed lord Shiva strictly warned them to get up at the dawn before the sun rises and leave for Varanasi. The following morning only lord Shiva got up and nobody else woke up being in angry mood he cursed them to become stone sculptures or images and stay there forever and ever.
Since then we are having images numbering less than one crore sculptured on unakoti hill

According to the regional people, there was a sculptor & potter named Kallu Kumhar. The local tribals believe that it was Kallu Kumhar who had carved all these images. He was a devotee of Parvati and wanted to accompany Shiva and Parvati to their abode on Kailash Parvat. On Parvati’s persuasion Shiva agreed to take Kallu to Kailash if he would sculpt a koti images of Shiva in one night. Kallu worked as a man possessed. But as the dawn broke the number of images was still one less than a koti. Shiva who was keen to get rid of this nuisance called Kallu, used this excuse to leave behind Kallu Kumhar and his images at Unakoti.
Foto: At Unakoti, India...

Unakoti hill, literally meaning,one less a crore (in Bengali regional language of India), hosts an ancient Shaivite place of worship with huge rock-cut images and stone idols of Lord Shiva. 

It is Shaiba pilgrimage and dates back to 7th – 9th centuries if not earlier. The marvelous rock carvings, murals with their primitive beauty, waterfalls are not to be missed.

Once lord Shiva was going to Varanasi along 1 crore Gods and Goddesses including him. On the way they thought of taking rest and shelter on this hill for night, before going to bed lord Shiva strictly warned them to get up at the dawn before the sun rises and leave for Varanasi. The following morning only lord Shiva got up and nobody else woke up being in angry mood he cursed them to become stone sculptures or images and stay there forever and ever.
Since then we are having images numbering less than one crore sculptured on unakoti hill

According to the regional people, there was a sculptor & potter named Kallu Kumhar. The local tribals believe that it was Kallu Kumhar who had carved all these images. He was a devotee of Parvati and wanted to accompany Shiva and Parvati to their abode on Kailash Parvat. On Parvati’s persuasion Shiva agreed to take Kallu to Kailash if he would sculpt a koti images of Shiva in one night. Kallu worked as a man possessed. But as the dawn broke the number of images was still one less than a koti. Shiva who was keen to get rid of this nuisance called Kallu, used this excuse to leave behind Kallu Kumhar and his images at Unakoti.

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