Big Meu Lindo.

quinta-feira, 5 de fevereiro de 2015

Receitas Naturais de Máscaras Antirrugas

Quem acompanha o blog sabe que sempre comento que cremes anti-idade não eliminam rugas. Mas isso não quer dizer que tratamentos e máscaras antirrugas sejam inúteis: eles são um ótimo caminho, desde que feitos de forma preventiva!
Para quem está buscando opções diferentes dos convencionais cremes anti-idade comercializados (que muitas vezes são caros e cheios de produtos químicos indesejados), que tal experimentar máscaras com uso de ingredientes naturais, que além de eficientes também são muito econômicos? Seguem algumas receitinhas… :)

1. Máscara de Abacate e Cenoura

  • Abacate: fruta muito nutritiva que conta com numerosas propriedades benéficas para a pele. Oabacate é rico em vitamina E, excelentes para estimular a formação de colágeno na pele, mantendo sua juventude e luminosidade natural por mais tempo.
  • Cenoura: melhora o aspecto da pele. O betacaroteno contido na cenoura é a chave para renovar o colágeno que mantém a pele saudável.
Para preparar esta máscara caseira, bata no liquidificador o abacate e a cenoura até formar uma pasta. Pode pingar também umas gotinhas de limão. Aplique o creme  sobre o rosto com a pele bem limpa, deixe agir durante 20 minutos e retire com água.

2. Máscara de Óleo de Amêndoas

  • Óleo de amêndoas: Além de deixar a pele mais macia, o óleo de amêndoas tem propriedades que desinflamam e acalmam irritações cutâneas. Isso acontece devido à presença do zinco, mineral que atua no organismo diminuindo o processo inflamatório agudo. O óleo possui antioxidantes e vitamina E, úteis em processos de desinflamação e regeneração da pele.
  • Laranja: A laranja é rica em vitamina C e isso faz dela um poderoso antioxidante e rejuvenescedor!
Misture 1 colher de sopa de óleo de amêndoas doce e 1 colher de sopa de suco de laranja. Bata bem e espalhe no rosto. Deixe agir por 20 minutos e retire com água fria.

3. Máscara de Banana

  • Banana: muito eficaz na prevenção das rugas devido ao seu alto valor nutritivo. A banana é rica em potássio, o que a torna um produto excelente para prevenir rugas. É rica em minerais e vitaminas que possuem uma série de benefícios para a pele.
  • Cápsulas de vitamina E: o alfa-tocoferol (vitamina E) é um dos melhores antioxidantes, reduz o estresse oxidativo, previne o envelhecimento precoce e revitaliza a pele.  
Amasse uma banana madura até formar um creme, em seguida coloque duas cápsulas de vitamina E e misture bem. Aplique o creme sobre o rosto com a pele bem limpa, deixe agir durante 20 minutos e retire com água.

4. Máscara de Argila com Óleos Essenciais

  • Argila: A argila é rica em minerais, que nutrem a pele deixando-a  macia. Possui efeito calmante e suavizante.  A argila preta é a mais nobre de todas, pode ser encontrada também como lama vulcânica. É muito utilizada para a desintoxicação da pele, principalmente peles oleosas. Nesse caso, pode ser usada qualquer tipo de argila.
  • Óleo essencial de Sândalo: Um óleo que tem ação quase que mágica para tratar a acne, espinhas, cravos e manchas. Com suas propriedades antibacterianas, antifúngicas e antissépticas também melhora a luminosidade do rosto. Combate o envelhecimento e deixa a pele mais suave.
  • Óleo essencial de Patchouli: É usado como tratamento de problemas dermatológicos como acnes, pele rachada, dermatite, eczema, envelhecimento da pele, cicatrizes e queimaduras. Além disso, é capaz de contrair e aglutinar os tecidos, ajudando a dar firmeza à pele. Seus benefícios contra o envelhecimento da pele se dão por meio da ação tônica e como regenerador celular.
Prepare a pasta com argila, pode ser com água filtrada ou com vinagre de maça orgânico. Acrescente à mistura 3 gotas de óleo essencial de sândalo e 3 gotas de óleo essencial de patchouli, misture bem. Aplique o creme sobre o rosto com a pele bem limpa, deixe agir durante 20 minutos e retire com água.
Que tal testar uma dessas receitas naturais?
Those who follow the blog know that always comment that anti-aging creams do not eliminate wrinkles. But that does not mean that anti-wrinkle treatments and masks are useless: they are a great way from that made preventively!

For those who are looking for different options of conventional marketed anti-aging creams (which are often expensive and full of unwanted chemicals), how about trying masks with use of natural ingredients, which in addition to efficient are also very economical? Here are some receitinhas ... :)
1. Avocado Mask and Carrot

Avocado: very nutritious fruit that has many beneficial properties for the skin. Avocado is rich in vitamin E, excellent for stimulating the formation of collagen in the skin, keeping his youth and natural light for longer.
Carrot: improves the appearance of the skin. Beta carotene contained in carrots is the key to renew the collagen that keeps skin healthy.
To prepare this homemade mask, hit the blender avocado and carrot to a paste. You can also ping each lemon drops. Apply the cream on the face with good clean skin, leave it for 20 minutes and remove with water.

2. Almond Oil Mask

Almond oil: In addition to leaving the skin softer, almond oil has properties that soothe skin irritations and desinflamam. This is due to the presence of zinc, a mineral that acts in the body by decreasing the acute inflammatory process. The oil and vitamin E have antioxidant useful in desinflamação and regeneration processes of the skin.
Orange: Orange is rich in vitamin C and that makes it a powerful antioxidant and rejuvenating!
Mix 1 tablespoon of sweet almond oil and 1 tablespoon of orange juice. Beat well and spread on his face. Let stand for 20 minutes and remove with cold water.

3. Banana Mask

Banana: very effective in preventing wrinkles due to their high nutritional value. Bananas are rich in potassium, which makes it an excellent product to prevent wrinkles. It is rich in minerals and vitamins that have a number of benefits to the skin.
Capsules of vitamin E: alpha-tocopherol (vitamin E) is one of the best antioxidants, reduces oxidative stress, prevents premature aging and revitalizes the skin.
Mash a ripe banana until creamy, then put two vitamin E capsules and mix well. Apply the cream on the face with good clean skin, leave it for 20 minutes and remove with water.

4. Clay Mask with Essential Oils

Clay: Clay is rich in minerals that nourish the skin leaving it soft. It has calming and soothing effect. The black clay is the noblest of all, can also be found as volcanic mud. It is used for detoxification of the skin, especially oily skin. In this case, it can be used any type of clay.
Sandalwood essential oil: An oil that has action almost magical to treat acne, pimples, blackheads and blemishes. With its antibacterial, antifungal and antiseptic properties also improves the brightness of the face. Fight aging and leaves the skin smoother.
Patchouli essential oil: It is used as a treatment for skin problems like acne, chapped skin, dermatitis, eczema, skin aging, scars and burns. Moreover, it is able to contract and agglutinate human tissues, helping to give firmness to the skin. Its benefits against skin aging occur through the tonic and as cell regenerating action.
Prepare pasta with clay, can be with filtered water or organic apple cider vinegar. Add to the mix 3 drops of essential oil of sandalwood and 3 drops of essential oil of patchouli, mix well. Apply the cream on the face with good clean skin, leave it for 20 minutes and remove with water.

How about testing of these natural recipes?
Those who follow the blog know that always comment that anti-aging creams do not eliminate wrinkles. But that does not mean that anti-wrinkle treatments and masks are useless: they are a great way from that made preventively!

For those who are looking for different options of conventional marketed anti-aging creams (which are often expensive and full of unwanted chemicals), how about trying masks with use of natural ingredients, which in addition to efficient are also very economical? Here are some receitinhas ... :)
1. Avocado Mask and Carrot

Avocado: very nutritious fruit that has many beneficial properties for the skin. Avocado is rich in vitamin E, excellent for stimulating the formation of collagen in the skin, keeping his youth and natural light for longer.
Carrot: improves the appearance of the skin. Beta carotene contained in carrots is the key to renew the collagen that keeps skin healthy.
To prepare this homemade mask, hit the blender avocado and carrot to a paste. You can also ping each lemon drops. Apply the cream on the face with good clean skin, leave it for 20 minutes and remove with water.

2. Almond Oil Mask

Almond oil: In addition to leaving the skin softer, almond oil has properties that soothe skin irritations and desinflamam. This is due to the presence of zinc, a mineral that acts in the body by decreasing the acute inflammatory process. The oil and vitamin E have antioxidant useful in desinflamação and regeneration processes of the skin.
Orange: Orange is rich in vitamin C and that makes it a powerful antioxidant and rejuvenating!
Mix 1 tablespoon of sweet almond oil and 1 tablespoon of orange juice. Beat well and spread on his face. Let stand for 20 minutes and remove with cold water.

3. Banana Mask

Banana: very effective in preventing wrinkles due to their high nutritional value. Bananas are rich in potassium, which makes it an excellent product to prevent wrinkles. It is rich in minerals and vitamins that have a number of benefits to the skin.
Capsules of vitamin E: alpha-tocopherol (vitamin E) is one of the best antioxidants, reduces oxidative stress, prevents premature aging and revitalizes the skin.
Mash a ripe banana until creamy, then put two vitamin E capsules and mix well. Apply the cream on the face with good clean skin, leave it for 20 minutes and remove with water.

4. Clay Mask with Essential Oils

Clay: Clay is rich in minerals that nourish the skin leaving it soft. It has calming and soothing effect. The black clay is the noblest of all, can also be found as volcanic mud. It is used for detoxification of the skin, especially oily skin. In this case, it can be used any type of clay.
Sandalwood essential oil: An oil that has action almost magical to treat acne, pimples, blackheads and blemishes. With its antibacterial, antifungal and antiseptic properties also improves the brightness of the face. Fight aging and leaves the skin smoother.
Patchouli essential oil: It is used as a treatment for skin problems like acne, chapped skin, dermatitis, eczema, skin aging, scars and burns. Moreover, it is able to contract and agglutinate human tissues, helping to give firmness to the skin. Its benefits against skin aging occur through the tonic and as cell regenerating action.
Prepare pasta with clay, can be with filtered water or organic apple cider vinegar. Add to the mix 3 drops of essential oil of sandalwood and 3 drops of essential oil of patchouli, mix well. Apply the cream on the face with good clean skin, leave it for 20 minutes and remove with water.

How about testing of these natural recipes?

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