Big Meu Lindo.

domingo, 29 de junho de 2014


Rose, Sou o 6 totalmente, amei, obrigada 

escolha o seu asana preferido dentre os da imagem, leia o texto correspondente abaixo e descubra um pouco mais sobre a sua maneira de ser 

não pense muito, apenas escolha aquele com o qual por algum motivo você se identifica mais. e comenta aqui, é claro!

e depois manda para os seus amigos e descubra um pouco mais sobre eles também 



1 - ADHO MUKHA VRIKSHASANA (postura da árvore olhando pra baixo)
Persistência e Equanimidade

Certamente você é alguém que não desanima diante das dificuldades. Tem consciência de que tanto as coisas boas quanto as ruins fazem parte da vida, e que não é fácil fazer grandes conquistas. Por isso, você é dono de de uma tremenda força interior e vontade de vencer. Desistir é uma palavra que simplesmente não consta no seu dicionário.

2 - SIMHASANA (postura do leão)
Expansividade e Veracidade

Alegre, comunicativo e sincero, você sabe dizer claramente o que quer e o que pensa, e por isso faz amigos com facilidade. É uma pessoa muito querida por todos. É conhecido também por ser muito confiável, pois a busca pela verdade sempre será seu maior objetivo, e isso se expressa em tudo o que você faz.

3 - VIRABHADRASANA II (postura do guerreiro II)
Coragem e Aterramento

Você é muito determinado. Não tem medo das batalhas da vida, sejam elas quais forem. Encara todas de frente, com braços fortes e peito aberto. Sabe que o segredo da vitória é a expansão da consciência, sempre buscando enxergar além do que se vê. Seu lema é: "expandir o olhar mantendo os pés firmes no chão."

4 - ARDHA CHANDRASANA (postura da meia lua)
Equilíbrio e Concentração

Foco é a sua palavra de ordem. Dono de uma capacidade de equilíbrio surpreendente, a sua facilidade para resolver situações difíceis sem perder o centro sempre surpreende a todos. Parece que nada pode abalar a sua paz, mas você sabe bem que não é nada fácil agir assim. Mas, ao mesmo tempo que sabe que não é fácil, sabe também que com esforço e dedicação tudo é possível.

5 - UTTANASSANA (postura da intensa flexão à frente)
Humildade e Compaixão

Para você, servir é a coisa mais importante dessa vida. Mas não servir de forma submissa, e sim com muita energia de entrega. Você sabe que cada um tem um papel nesse mundo, e prefere unir forças do que competir, pois acredita que juntos são mais fortes. Você se considera feliz, mas não consegue ficar impassível diante do sofrimento do outro. Felizmente, isso não é um defeito, e sim a sua maior ferramenta para mudar o mundo.

6 - SUKHASANA (postura fácil)
Paciência e Retidão

Disciplinado, você ouve mais do que fala. Quando entra em um caminho, segue-o fielmente, e, mesmo que aconteçam pequenos desvios, você sempre se mantém fiel a uma verdade maior do que você. Se destaca por ser uma daquelas pessoas que tudo o que faz, faz bem feito, graças ao seu comprometimento com o lema: "não importa o que seja, farei sempre o meu melhor, da melhor maneira possível."
Rose, I'm 6 totally loved, thank you 

choose your favorite asana from the image, read the corresponding text below and discover a little more about their way of being 

do not think too much just choose the one with which for some reason you identify more. and comments here, of course! 

and then send them to your friends and discover a little more about them too 



1 - Adho Mukha Vrikshasana (Tree Pose looking down) 
Persistence and Equanimity 

Surely you are someone who does not give up in the face of difficulties. Are you aware that both good things as the bad part of life, and that is not easy to make great achievements. So, you are the owner of a tremendous inner strength and will to win. Quitting is a word that simply does not appear in your dictionary. 

2 - simhasana (the lion posture) 
Expansiveness and Veracity 

Cheerful, communicative and sincere, you know clearly what you want and say what you think, so make friends easily. It is a very dear person to all. It is also known to be very reliable, since the search for the truth will always be your biggest goal, and it expresses itself in everything you do. 

3 - Warrior Position II (Warrior Pose II) 
Courage and Grounding 

You are very determined. Not afraid of life's battles, whatever they may be. Faces all facing, with strong arms and chest open. Know the secret of victory is the expansion of consciousness, always looking to see beyond what is seen. Their motto is "looking to expand while keeping his feet firmly on the ground." 

4 - Chandrasana Ardha (half moon pose) 
Balance and Concentration 

Focus is its watchword. Owner of an amazing ability to balance its ease to resolve difficult situations without losing the center always surprises everyone. It seems that nothing can shake your peace, but you know well that it is not easy to do so. But at the same time you know it is not easy, also knows that with effort and dedication anything is possible. 

5 - UTTANASSANA (posture of intense bending forward) 
Humility and Compassion 

For you serve is the most important thing in this life. But not serve submissively, but with a lot of energy delivery. You know that each has a role in this world, and prefers to join forces to compete, believing that together we are stronger. Do you consider yourself happy, but can not be unmoved by the suffering of others. Fortunately, this is not a defect, but your greatest tool to change the world. 

6 - Sukhasana (Easy Pose) 
Patience and Righteousness 

Disciplined, you listen more than you talk. When entering a path, follow it faithfully, and even small deviations from happening, you always staying true to a greater truth than you. Stands out for being one of those people that everything he does, is well done, thanks to its commitment to the motto: "no matter what, I will always do my best, in the best possible way." 

choose your favorite asana from the image, read the corresponding text below and discover a little more about their way of being: D 

do not think too much just choose the one with which for some reason you identify more. and comments here, of course! 

and then send them to your friends and find out a bit more about them too :) 



1 - Adho Mukha Vrikshasana (Tree Pose looking down) 
Persistence and Equanimity 

Surely you are someone who does not give up in the face of difficulties. Are you aware that both good things as the bad part of life, and that is not easy to make great achievements. So, you are the owner of a tremendous inner strength and will to win. Quitting is a word that simply does not appear in your dictionary. 

2 - simhasana (the lion posture) 
Expansiveness and Veracity 

Cheerful, communicative and sincere, you know clearly what you want and say what you think, so make friends easily. It is a very dear person to all. It is also known to be very reliable, since the search for the truth will always be your biggest goal, and it expresses itself in everything you do. 

3 - Warrior Position II (Warrior Pose II) 
Courage and Grounding 

You are very determined. Not afraid of life's battles, whatever they may be. Faces all facing, with strong arms and chest open. Know the secret of victory is the expansion of consciousness, always looking to see beyond what is seen. Their motto is "looking to expand while keeping his feet firmly on the ground." 

4 - Chandrasana Ardha (half moon pose) 
Balance and Concentration 

Focus is its watchword. Owner of an amazing ability to balance its ease to resolve difficult situations without losing the center always surprises everyone. It seems that nothing can shake your peace, but you know well that it is not easy to do so. But at the same time you know it is not easy, also knows that with effort and dedication anything is possible. 

5 - UTTANASSANA (posture of intense bending forward) 
Humility and Compassion 

For you serve is the most important thing in this life. But not serve submissively, but with a lot of energy delivery. You know that each has a role in this world, and prefers to join forces to compete, believing that together we are stronger. Do you consider yourself happy, but can not be unmoved by the suffering of others. Fortunately, this is not a defect, but your greatest tool to change the world. 

6 - Sukhasana (Easy Pose) 
Patience and Righteousness 

Disciplined, you listen more than you talk. When entering a path, follow it faithfully, and even small deviations from happening, you always staying true to a greater truth than you. Stands out for being one of those people that everything he does, is well done, thanks to its commitment to the motto: "no matter what, I will always do my best, in the best possible way."

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